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Reverse The Relapse After Weight Loss Surgery

May 9, 2023

Today’s episode is something that’s been on my mind and something that I have bene working on personally and I thought it’s always good to share it and we can work on this together!

It's about what your story or internal narrative iis? Where is your focus? Does it really support where you truly want to go (your v2.0 path). 

What I’ve found is that our story, our attention is often on what we don’t want (our V1 selves) rather than what we want (our V2.0 self).

Our brain is wired to problem solve, to focus more on the negatives than the positives. 

So we need to train our brain to focus on what we want, 

If we leave our brain running on auto pilot, it can continue to run in V1.0 mode. This is like working with a a very old, outdated computer system. It will slow us down and won’t support us in reaching our goals. 

We need change the computer program ourselves. 

Let me share how to get started today. 

Announcements - I have created a customised cravings control reset.  This for you if you just need to press the reset button on your eating.

It involves receiving the best of my cravings re-wiring tools, plus a zoom session where we jump on and I help you identify your subconscious sabotage blocks. It’s one of my super powers.

It’s powerful to explore WHY you keep turning to the food, even though you don’t want to.  It’s at a really affordable price right now.  Spots are filling…if you wanting to try out this work with me, it’s a great opportunity to do just that.