Sep 29, 2020
Welcome Michael Hii, Michael is a Osphogeal & Bariatric surgery at Melbourne Gastro Osphoegeal surgery. I've worked in the WLS clinic in the team with Michael since 2016, and Michael is a big believer in psychological services to support WLS and that's what we are going to unpack today.
We speak about:
- Weight regain...
Sep 29, 2020
This can either be a fear before surgery and a real concern after surgery.
I often raise this as a potential flag for some clients that I see pre surgery.
I find there’s a real mix. Some women say - no way I can’t wait to get rid of the excess weight, that won’t be a problem for me. I get it - often we don’t...
Sep 29, 2020
Many of my clients have struggled with their weight their whole life.
Your first memory is being the chubby kid.
Often another family member was small, didn’t struggle with their weight.
But you always felt like the big one.
You’d go to school and notice that play out as well.
Maybe your friends were...
Sep 21, 2020
Are you secretly eating and holding onto your excess weight as an act of rebellion?
This is related to my second pillar in my version 2.0 upgrade model, which is all about your identity. Who do you need to BE to make your WLS a success. We are actually clearing this block in the version 2.0 upgrade program next week.
Sep 14, 2020
If you have stalled or regained any weight after WLS, it could be that your psychological set point weight may be causing this to happen.
We have a psychological set point weight that can determine your current weight.
If your weight isn't where you want it to be, find out how you can find out your magic number...